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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

Religious Education and Philosophy

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Welcome to Religious Education

‘Does a clock tick when there is no one to hear it?’





What colour would a zebra be if it lost all of its stripes?

The thinking puzzles above are just some of the skills we encourage students to develop in R.E. at Southfields Academy.  In R.E. lessons we endeavour to look beyond the obvious and uncover different levels of meaning.

We are extremely fortunate at this school to have R.E. delivered as a unique lesson to all Key Stage 3 students.  The lessons are intriguing and thought-provoking, as we approach the subject from philosophical viewpoints.  Each of the six main religions are examined in their own right, but students have the opportunity to debate and discuss issues.

What knowledge and skills will students develop at KS3? 

At Key Stage 3 we begin with a basic grounding in the 6 main religions.

In Year 7 students begin by studying myths and legends and then move onto Hinduism and finish the year by examining Judaism.

In Year 8 students study the life and works of Jesus (viewed from a multi-faith approach), then in the spring term they will examine Islam and finish the year by an examination of Sikhism.

Once students enter Year 9 they are ready to move on the more philosophical issues and so we commence the year by a consideration of the philosophical ideas of life and death.  In the spring we move onto Buddhism and conclude the year by looking at Afro-Caribbean religions.

What knowledge and skills will students develop at KS4? 

Religious Education is combined with P.S.H.E. in Key Stage 4, so students will examine ethical issues from religious and non-religious viewpoints.

What knowledge and skills will students develop at KS5? 

At Key Stage 5 R.E. is integrated into the tutor programme, so students have the opportunity to discuss current affairs and ethical issues from religious and non-religious viewpoints.