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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

At Southfields Academy we are committed to a careers education programme that offers impartial information advice and guidance and supports all students throughout their time at the Academy to:

  • Recognise their own skills, strengths, achievements and preferences
  • See the relevance of their learning and be ambitious and motivated to do well
  • Develop a clear understanding of their options at each stage in their career journey
  • Have the skills to plan and manage their career progression
  • Recognise the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in career opportunities
  • Explore and consider a wide range of career options and pathways
  • Recognise and develop valued employability skills

We actively set out to enable students to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities as part of a careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options at each transition point. Students have opportunities to hear from and speak to a range of local providers about their options, for example, through careers fairs, visits, assemblies and taster sessions.

The Government has set out statutory guidance that all schools should use the Gatsby Benchmarks as a standard of best practice in order to build their own provision. At Southfields Academy we use these benchmarks, alongside the latest guidance each year, to monitor, evaluate and plan our careers provision.

Gatsby Benchmarks: 

  1. A stable careers programme 
  2. Career and labour market information 
  3. Addressing the needs of all students 
  4. Careers in the curriculum 
  5. Encounters with employers and employees 
  6. Work experience and other experiences of the workplace 
  7. Experiences of HE, FE and work-based training 
  8. Personal Guidance

The careers programme is delivered as part of the PSHE programme in Key Stage 3 and 4. At Key stage 5 it is through the tutorial programme. Additional timetabled opportunities include a weekly employability workshop lesson for Year 12 level 2 students and a WAVE (Work, Apprenticeships, Volunteering and Entrepreneurship) group in Year 13. In addition to timetabled lessons, enrichment days, careers fairs, assemblies and tutor time activities, visits and visiting speakers add to the provision. More detail of the careers programme for each year group can be viewed in the Careers Programme here: 


Individual Careers Guidance Interviews are provided by an independent careers advisor and are compulsory for all year 11 students. Additional targeted interviews are offered to students in Year 12 and 13. Students or parents of other students can request a careers guidance interview at any time by contacting the Assistant Headteacher in charge of Careers Education, Karen Frusciante.

In addition to the careers programme, the academy has a commitment to link learning to careers in each subject area and to providing additional opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of career related opportunities that are appropriate to their needs. For example, college visits, apprenticeship and skills fair visits, employer talks, workplace conferences, HPA/Social mobility career mentoring programmes and employability skills workshops. By linking learning to careers, teachers, for example, use real world contexts for learning, invite visitors from industry and highlight possible careers in relevant industries. 

We continue to review and improve our careers provision in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. The next review will take place in November 2025. If you would like more information about our careers programme, or you would like to comment on or contribute to the programme, please contact our Assistant Headteacher in charge of careers education: 

Ms Karern Frusciante
Tel: 020 8875 2600

For more detail about opportunities for training and education providers to engage with our students, please view our Provider Access Policy by clicking here.


Useful Careers Links for Parents and Students