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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

End of Term Letter

A letter was sent home to parents and carers via student post.

4th December 2018

Dear Parent, Carer

We would like to thank you for all your support this term. We had a very positive start to the new academic year where outgoing Year 11 students achieved great success in their GCSE results. Students were delighted with their high GCSE scores and most applied to remain in our 6th Form to study at the next level. They were joined by a further 100 students enrolling from neighbouring schools in a bid to get a place on our A level courses.

In order to meet the challenges of the more rigorous GCSEs we have placed greater demands on all our Key Stage 4 students in Years 9, 10 and 11 by expecting them to attend compulsory boosters and to complete comprehensive homework activities over every holiday period in addition to weekly homework activities. The winter vacation will be no exception.

In turn, Key Stage 3 students have a tougher curriculum in order to ensure that they are equipped to commence all new GCSEs. There have been homework clubs set up in KS3 to encourage the development of a strong work ethic and many students have taken advantage of this support.

6th Form students are also facing more demanding A Level qualifications where the final assessment at the end of the two years of study will test all their skills and knowledge. These too have been reformed and expectations have been raised. 6th Form students should also expect a comprehensive set of homework tasks over the holiday period. A Level students will be taking mock examinations from the 14th January and hence continuous study and revision is imperative for success in these examinations which decide final entries.

All students have worked hard this term and we hope that they will enjoy the winter break, albeit with some homework to complete.

End of term arrangements – autumn 2018

All 6th form students will have their final lessons on Tuesday 18th December, periods 1 to 5, and then will commence their winter vacation from Wednesday onwards.

Year 11 students will complete their mock examinations by the end of Tuesday 18th December and will end the autumn term with an assembly during period 6 on that day.

Years 7 to 10 and International group students will have their final day of term on Wednesday 19th December. Students will come in for periods 1 to 5 and achievement assemblies will take place on this day. They will be released at the end of the school day to commence their winter break.

We will all return to school on Monday 7th January 2019 to commence the spring term at 8.20am with a normal school day.


Key spring term 2019 dates for your diary:

Monday  7th January

Year 10 Assessment Week

Monday 14th January

Year 13 Mock Exams Week

Monday 21st January

Year 12 Assessment Week

Wednesday 23rd January

International Group Parents’ Evening

Monday 28th January

Year 9 Assessment Week

Monday 4th February

Year 11 Assessment Week

Tuesday 12th February

Year 8 Options and Parents’ Evening

Friday 15th February

INSET Day – Academy closed to students

Monday 25th February

International Group Assessment Week

Year 10 Core Mock exams

Wednesday 27th February

KS5 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 7th March

Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Monday 18th March

Year 11 Mock Exam Fortnight

Year 13 Mock Exams

Wednesday 20th March


Wednesday 27th March

Parents’ Forum

Monday 1st April

INSET Day – Academy closed to students

Tuesday 2nd April

Year 7 & 8 Assessment week

Thursday 4th April

Year 10 Parents’ Evening


Half term break – Monday 18th to Friday 22nd February 2019.

Easter vacation - spring term ends on Friday 5th April and summer term begins on Tuesday 23rd April 2019.

Easter revision – this will run during the Easter break, dates will be confirmed nearer the time.

Half term break – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May 2019.

End of summer term - term will end for all by Friday 19th July 2019. Exact end of term times to be communicated nearer the time.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a restful break over the winter vacation. If you have any questions regarding the arrangements above please do not hesitate to contact us on 0208 875 2600.

Yours faithfully



Jacqueline Valin                                                            Wanda Golinska
Principal                                                                            Headteacher