Start of Term Arrangements
Start of Term Arrangements.
We hope you have all had a good summer holiday and are rested and prepared for the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year.
We hope you have seen in the local press and other media that our students have done well again this year in A Levels, GCSEs and vocational qualifications.
Term begins for staff on Monday 3rd September for 2 INSET days. Students will start as follows:
- Year 7 begin their new careers at Southfields on Wednesday 5th September at 08:15, they will be dismissed at then end of period 4 (12:10).
- Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 resume at Southfields on Thursday 6th September at 08:20 for a normal school day.
- Year 12 students begin on Tuesday 11th September at 09:00 (however students joining us from other schools have an induction day on Wednesday 5th September - 12:30-15:00 and students who are wishing to study mathematics or science A Levels have entrance examinations - 09:00-14:00, also on 5th September).
- Year 13 students begin on Friday 7th September at 08:20.