We are a Stonewall Champion School

What better way to celebrate Pride Month than by being made a Stonewall Champion School
We are really proud of the fact that the work we have done on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and supporting the LBGTQ+ members of our community has been recognised by Stonewall. We will continue this work and continue to instil in our students the importance of celebrating difference and embracing diversity.
If you would like to find out more about the work we do in the classroom and outside the classroom to tackle these subjects then please get in touch with Mr Adrian Samuels (Teacher i/c Social Sciences). If you would like to find out more about the work we do to tackle and combat bullying then please get in touch with Mr Larry Davis (Deputy Headteacher, Personal Development, Welfare & Safety).
The Academy also works with the Free2B Alliance to find out more about them and the work they do visit their website: http://free2b-alliance.org.uk/